Stored Vs. Stateless Actions
When using the AI Actions API, there are two ways that actions can be run: stored and stateless.
Stored Actions
With stored actions, you let us handle storing all of the details about an action.
You will only need to provide the user instructions and parameter hints when running the action.
Click here to get started with stored actions!
Stored actions are configured ahead of time, either using the AI Actions UI or the provided management endpoints.
Only user instructions and parameter hints are needed when running them.
Click here for the React library documentation!
A @zapier/ai-actions-react
package is available to make it easy to interact
with stored actions from a React application.
Stateless Actions
With stateless actions, you provide all of the necessary parameters at runtime.
This means you will have to store action details yourself or generate the action every time you want to run it.
Click here to get started with stateless actions!
Stateless actions are run by providing all the necessary parameters at runtime.
This gives you greater control over how actions are run.
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