Adding a missing authentication for 3rd party apps can be straightforward, but if it’s an authentication to your app it can result in sub-optimal UX.

“If an end user is logged into my app already, why do I need to do the oauth flow for my own app? Why can’t I skip it?”

Adding an authentication to your own app


Confirm your app's `authentication_fields`

When you created your app on Zapier’s Developer Platform, a required step was to define the fields required for authentication. Depending on your authentication scheme the authentication_fields below will differ.


Form & send your request

Leveraging the Create Authentication endpoint, supply your app’s required authentication_fields in the request.

    // POST /authentications
    "data": {
        "app": "{MY_APP_ID}",
        "title": "{AUTHENTICATION_NAME}",
        "authentication_fields": {
            "username": "{MY_USERS_USERNAME}",
            "password": "{MY_USERS_PASSWORD}"

Be sure to supply whatever authentication_fields are required by your apps’ authentication scheme.

Pick an authentication name that’ll be recognizeable to a user should they find it outside of this flow, such as “Carter’s LinkedIn Authentication”, or “Micah’s Slack Authentication”


Leverage the new authentication in subsequent workflow steps ✨

A successful response from this request will include an id, which can be used in subsequent steps.