
  • Your app has passed the review process and is Published in the Zapier App Directory
  • Any Zap templates you want to query have been reviewed and made public

Example implementation

This video shows how Paperform prefills Zaps for their embedded Zap editor with contextual data from the platform, such as the Form ID, to make Zap setup easier for users. By doing so, Paperform reduces the number of clicks it takes for users to publish a Zap and removes mental friction of users needing to remember details for it.

Looking for even more customization? Learn about creating Zaps directly with the Workflow API.

Option 1: Create Zaps from Zap Templates

Use the Workflow API to query the public Zap Templates featuring your integration (using the GET /v1/zap-templates endpoint) and feature them in your product. When a user chooses a Zap template they’d like to try, use the create_url value as the source to load in an embedded frame such as:


Where is the create_url value of the Zap template.

Optionally, you can add additional parameters to the create_url to prefill the user’s Zap with custom values, simplifying the Zap configuration for the user.

Option 2: Create Zaps without Zap Templates

You can also facilitate a user’s Zap creation via URL parameters instead of an existing Zap Template. This provides flexibility to redirect users to a pre-populated Zap Editor with known context from your app without publishing a Zap Template for each specific use case.

Use the Zap Pre-fill Generator  to easily construct pre-filled Zaps for your embedded editor experience or as a lightweight entry point into the Zap Editor from your app.

Editing existing Zaps

Use the Workflow API to load a user’s Zaps (using the GET /v1/zaps endpoint). When the user chooses to open or edit a Zap use the the url value of the Zap as the source of an embedded frame like this:


Where is the url of the Zap to be edited.

If you prefer, you can open these URLs in a separate window, new tab, or popup from your app.

postMessage events

If you decide to embed the Zap editor within your product you can listen to message events from postMessage to help you improve the interactivity with the iframe (e.g. automatically close the iframe modal.)

The messages available include:

  • zap:unpause = Zap turned on / published
  • zap:unpause:done = Zap turned on / published (success)
  • zap:unpause:fail = Zap turned on / published (failure)
  • zap:pause = Zap turned off
  • zap:pause:done = Zap turned off (success)
  • zap:pause:fail = Zap turned off (failure)

Turning off a Zap

The API does not currently have an endpoint to turn off/on a user’s Zaps. If your Zapier app uses Webhook Subscriptions, you can send a DELETE to the unique target URL that was provided when the subscription was created and that will then pause/turn off a Zap.