After supplying the required inputs for a given action, it can be helpful to validate the configuration by testing the action, in a similar way the main editor at requires step testing. While not required via this API, it can be helpful to test actions;

  • When there are common configuration challenges specific to your use case.
  • To reduce the chance of user error when creating workflows.

Supply all the necessary inputs for a given action

Following the steps to Build a Zap, retrieve all necessary inputs and authentications.


Execute the test

Leveraging the /test endpoint, make a request supplying all of the necessary inputs along with an authentication - or null if none is required.

For example for an authenticated action with id core:wJ3PxHpNArZ8MqvloW3L1ZyMDQ4nJ, we might make the following request:

Note that in the event of a successful test, the data object returned is directly from the 3rd party app, and therefore has no defined schema.

Clean up any created resources as part of the test

If possible, clean up any created resources as part of a successful test. Remember the test executes the action, so these assets could cause confusion for users should they discover them after a successful test.