
The AI Actions API client can be used to interact with any of the API endpoints that AI Actions supports.

Below are a few examples of common uses for the client.

Creating a client

See the authentication guide for more information on how to authenticate.

import { AiActions } from "@zapier/ai-actions";

const aiActionsClient = new AiActions({
  auth: {
    apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY",
    // or...
    token: "OAUTH-TOKEN",

Checking a user’s authentication

This is useful if you want to check if a user’s AI Actions OAuth token is valid.

try {
  await aiActionsClient.checkAuth();
} catch (error) {
  console.error("User is not authenticated", error);

Error handling

The @zapier/ai-actions package exports an AiActionsHttpError type that can be used to get JSON from errors.

import { AiActionsHttpError } from "@zapier/ai-actions";

try {
  await aiActionsClient
    // ...
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof AiActionsHttpError) {
    const parsedError = await error.response.json();
    console.error("Error executing action", parsedError);

Listing a user’s actions

Actions can be created or edited either on the AI Actions website or using the @zapier/ai-actions-react library

const actionList = await aiActionsClient.getActionList();

actionList?.results.forEach((action) => {
  // Each action has an ID that can be used to execute it, and it includes information about how the user
  // has set it up, such as the description and the app it's associated with.
  console.log(, action.description); // "01EXAMPLE_ID Gmail: Find Email"

Executig an action

See the Run a stored action guide for more information on the available parameters.

const result = await aiActionsClient.executeAction(
    ai_action_id: "YOUR_ACTION_ID",
    instructions: "Create a row with the following data....",
    params: {
      spreadsheet: {
        mode: "guess",

        // AI Actions will figure out the proper ID to use based on the hint,
        // that way you don't need to worry about knowing IDs!
        value: "My Spreadsheet",
    preview_only: false,

console.log(result?.resolved_params, result?.full_results);

Search for Zapier apps and actions

const appSearch = await aiActionsClient.searchApps({ query: "Google Sheets" });

appSearch?.results.forEach(async ({ name, app }) => {

  const actionSearch = await aiActionsClient.searchActions({

    //  omit `query` to get all actions for the app
    query: "add spreadsheet row",

Give feedback on an action run

If an execution doesn’t work properly, you can provide feedback on it to help us improve the AI.

const result = await aiActionsClient.executeAction({
  // ...

if (result) {
  await aiActionsClient.rateExecution({
    execution_log_id: result.execution_log_id,

    // -1: Negative feedback
    // 0: Neutral feedback
    // 1: Positive feedback
    rating: -1,
    feedback: "It didn't work for me!",