Private vs public integrations
When building an integration on the Zapier Platform, you must specify the intended audience.
The intended audience determines whether the integration will be private or public:
Public integration: For access to all Zapier customers and published in the Zapier App Directory.
Private integration: For personal, internal (e.g. with your team) or controlled-access use.
Building a private or public integration on the Zapier Platform is free.
There are no fees for sharing or publishing an integration.
Users of your integration are responsible for their own Zapier plans and billing.
Partners do not incur fees as a result of the usage of their integration.
Both private and public integrations can connect to Zapier’s app directory of over 7,000+ integrations. Depending on your intended audience, there will be different features available and limitations to what the integration can do.
Note: The intended audience is different from your integration’s status. All integrations, regardless of intent, start with a private status. Learn more in Zapier integration publishing requirements.
Public integrations
Public integrations are suitable for the following use cases:
- Connect your app product to Zapier for public use.
- Gain exposure from Zapier’s 3 million+ users.
By creating a public integration, you’ll have access to these features:
- Join the Zapier Partner Program.
- Publish your integration in Zapier’s app directory.
- Create Zap templates.
- Embed Zapier in your product.
- Embed Zap Templates in your product.
- Use Zapier Issue Manager to manage bugs and feature requests.
- Users of your integration can share a template of their Zaps.
- Users of your integration can use Zapier’s ChatGPT plugin.
If you’re building a public integration, there are specific limitations to be aware of:
- To create a public integration, you need to meet the Integration Ownership criteria.
- You can have up to 100 admins and collaborators.
- You can’t restrict who uses your public integration.
Private integrations
Private integrations are suitable for the following use cases:
- Connect your internal tool or system to Zapier.
- Connect your app product to Zapier to exclusively allow your team to build workflows.
- Create an integration for a staging or testing environment.
Note: We strongly recommend against the use of an independent private integration for staging purposes in the case of an existing public integration. Instead, use a private version for this purpose.
By creating a private integration:
- You control who has access to your integration.
- Your private integration won’t appear within Zapier’s app directory.
If you’re building a private integration, there are specific limitations to be aware of:
Rate limits depend on the Zapier plan of the integration owner. When using your private app in their Zaps, users’ Zap runs will be held if the cumulative calls across all users of your private integration exceed the following limits on the integration owner’s plan:
- Free and Professional plans: 100 calls every 60 seconds.
- Team and Enterprise plans: 5000 calls every 60 seconds.
- To increase a private integration rate limit for your users, upgrade your Zapier plan.
- To request an increase in the rate limit for your private integration beyond 5000 calls, contact our Sales team.
You can have up to 100 admins and collaborators.
You can invite up to 100 users by email. There’s no limit when sharing access using a public link, but note this access cannot be revoked once a user accepts the invitation link.
Embedding Zapier and Zap templates are not supported.
Sharing a template of Zaps is not supported.
Your app won’t appear as an option on Zapier’s ChatGPT plugin.
Need help? Tell us about your problem and we’ll connect you with the right resource or contact support.
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